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101年度僑聯送舊 - Be Fun in Wonderland!

Soo!!! Long time no update again.. *sigh*

and this time, because I'm feeling so high, I'm going to post something!! XD

so yeah, I've been pretty busy with a lot of stuffs, homework, homework, homework, midterm, test, homework, homework, test, test, and midterm... oh and homework again =="

what saves me from these craziness? another job!

....yep, another job! because this one letting me play with Photoshop~~ *^*

so I was asked to be a committee of design team for graduation party (in Chinese: 送舊)~

The theme was "Be Fun in Wonderland".. so I thought of using "Alice in Wonderland" as an inspiration~

This would be very challenging.. if only I didn't have any homework and tests =="

So I didn't have any choice but searching inspiration at google.. *^*

Anyways: these are my work.. not so good but I like it LOL

DM (this one I really made it! well just stealing the rabbit,
the cat, and the flower~ LOL)

大4 的邀請卡~ a.k.a. invitation card for the 4th year seniors~
(inspiration from google. just organizing the texts >__<)

Last-minute-made poster!!! (pure inspiration from google ==")

Sad stories behind this work...

first: I wrongly write 2 words on DM, and after that I changed it already on the PDF file.. but I forgot to save it on new JPEG file!!

so.. when I print them out... I print the wrong one.. =="

sorry sorry sorry to 公關助!! because they have to correct it one by one.. >____<"

second: I forgot to save the PDF file when I made the invitation card!!! DAAAMNNNN!!!

now I only own the JPEG file.. T^T
stupiditycarelessness to the maxxx QQ

and this party is held on June 2nd, 2012 as listed above~ which is just now...

this is my first time to join in something like this, and it's so much fun!! even though I didn't really be any help... *sob sob* >__<

I'm going to improve my Chinese (I HAD TO!) so I won't be any burden for the others..

So thanks soooo much to the other committee members who have helped me a lot!! Xiu Qi, Munyee 學姐~ 還有 Jin Xian, Jocelyn, Wen Qian, En Pei, Chia Yin and many more I can't mention one by one~ many many many many thanks!! :D

Few pics posted~ *SNAP SNAP*



CCUISA again~~ (there's only a few of us now QQ)

結束了!! 大家辛苦了!!!

so after graduation party? another party!! LOL

it's to celebrate CCUISA's members birthday yeah~ We're celebrating 3 members' bday!!

first: Ko Sun (on June 2nd)!! Wish you all the best ko!! 順利畢業~~ 加油加油!!! :D

next: Ce Devy and William (June 3rd)!! We still have a long path ahead~ so.. 好好加油!!! :D

Nevertheless, it's a tough day, and undoubtedly tiring! but it's worth it cus I had so much fun!! YEAAAHH~~ XD


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